Desktop Notifications

Desktop Notifications

Since version 3.2.0

We have been moved. Please follow the redirect link to the new documentation page.

Bug Watcher Notifications comes with notifications of three flaviour:

How it works

Desktop Notifications are available as an extension of In-app notifications. Whenever an In-app Notification is delivered in Jira, it is also shown as a Desktop Notification for those Jira users who enable Desktop Notifications.

Enable Desktop Notifications

This kind of notifications may be enabled or disabled by the Jira users individually as their personal preference or centrally by the Jira administrators.

Personal Preference

Each Jira user may enable / disable Desktop Notifications via the her own Watcher Dashboard. Watcher Dashboard opens from the Profile Menu / Watches.

Enabling/Disabling Desktop Notifications here, users can opt-in or out to receive desktop notifications.

Central Setting

Jira Adminstrators may set the default for Desktop Notifications in the Bug Watcher administration screen. It is possible to override the user's preference via the "Apply to all users" link.

Receive Desktop Notifications

Once enabled, desktop notifications popup until your browser is open with a running session in Jira.

Open Desktop Notifications

Once a Desktop Notification pops up, it remains open for 10 seconds. If a notification is clicked, it opens in a new browser tab so that the full details can be seen and the notification may be dismissed.

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