In-app Notifications

In-app Notifications

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Receive instant notifications within JIRA instead of emails. We believe that Atlassian's Time wasting at work infographic is true and realistic. However we think it does not only apply to Confluence but also to JIRA that is often being used as a collaboration platform. 

With in-app notifications, Bug Watcher aims at keeping your focus on your issues (JIRA) you work with and at minimizing interruptions caused by emails.

In-app notifications are non-obtrusive, persistent, easy-to-manage.

Example Use Case

As a JIRA user you spend significant amount of your time working with issues in JIRA. You want to minimize the number of notification emails you receive from JIRA.

Instead of removing yourself as a watcher from all issues, you configure personal notification rules (see above) and enable in-app notifications in the Watches tab of your JIRA project.

As a result, you will not get email notifications from Bug Watcher but in app messages indicated in the header section of JIRA.

In-App notifications may be accessed by clicking the eye icon in the top right corner. The popup layer will list your recent notifications maximized to 25 items. If you want to see all notifications, you can click the quick filter links: Show More, Show Unread, Show Marked.

You can mark notification items by clicking the asterisk icon. Marked notifications are useful if you want to deal with the item later. You can search for all marked items easily.

Notifications can be managed in a list view by clicking Notificaitons under your profile menu or by selecting one of the "Show..." operations in the popup.

In the notification list view you can search for all, marked or unread notificaitons or purge them using the Purge dropdown menu that gives you a few options to purge.

By clicking any of the notification items, the details open in the right hand side of the screen.

In-App Notifications may be enabled by the users in the Watches Project Tab or by project admins using Notification schemes.

In-App Notifications Enabled by Users

End users may enable in-app notifications in the projects as their own personal preference.

In-App Notifications Using Notification Schemes

Since version 2.4

Project Admins can select Notification Schemes to enable in-app notifications in the entire project. It is possible to combine email and in-app notificaitons by selecting the same or different notifications schemes in Notifications and in In-App Notifications within a project's administration screen.

Automatic Purge of Notifications

In-app notifications are items stored in the database permanently. Although, users can purge their own notification items, they rarely do so. Consequently the notification database table might grow huge.

Administrators can now schedule a job to automatically purge items older than a certain period.

The job may be started at whole hours and runs daily. It will remove items older than the selected time frame.

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