Email Address Resctrictions and GDPR

Email Address Resctrictions and GDPR

Due to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), users of a Cloud version of the Email This Issue app has to manually update their instance with a new scope.

For this, please navigate to Jira Settings – Apps – Manage Apps and find Email This Issue.
Update Email This Issue with the new scope: ACCESS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES.

This is required as Jira users will be able to restrict access to their email addresses in Jira by the end of May, however, Email This Issue needs access to email address due to the nature of the product.

If the users change the privacy settings of their email address, then Email This Issue will not be able to send out emails to the users if the users get added as recipients to an outgoing email.

If you have any questions regarding the update, please let us know on our Support site.

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