Confluence Export does not work

Confluence Export does not work

User Errors

First of all we have to make sure you set up everything correclty!

Double check that

  • Confluence is connected to Jira properly

    • Confluence is listed as linked in Administration/Applications/Application links

    • Confluence is authorized
      You can easily check this:
      Go to an issue, and choose Link option from More menu tab. Paste the URL of the linked Confluence page, try to link he issue. If linking is succesful, you are all set.

      If the following warning message appears, click on authenticate and let yourself lead through the authorization steps.

  • There is no other page with the same name

  • You have not only View, but Add permission in the selected Confluence Space

Development Errors

To be able to fix any development problem with Confluence Export, make sure you attach the following information to the ticket.

Check Browser Console

Check browser console (F12 in chrome) for red lines that indicates some error message in red, contains some 403/503 or another error code, and attach to the support ticket:

Check network tab

In Network tab check for red lines on the left, and select Response on the right. Copy everything from here, to your support ticket!