Information about the last webinar before deprecating the Classic handler

We would like to inform you that the Classic mail handler will stop processing incoming emails in versions released after January 2022. Let us emphasize that for users with app versions released before this date, the classic handlers will continue to work as usual. This means that you should only update your Email This Issue version in January if you have working Next-gen handlers set up already.

You will be able to open the mail handlers to see their configuration but you will not be able to create new ones or edit existing ones.

The last webinar will be a Q&A session based on questions that you send us. We aim to showcase the questions in real-time and try to demonstrate the answer in as much detail as possible within the timeframe.

If you have any questions regarding the migration or the Next-gen handler itself and you could not find an answer to them in the previous webinars or in our documentation, please open a request on our customer portal with the summary including the phrase "Webinar Question" or send us an email with the same subject.

We will try to tackle as many questions as we can, but depending on the length and complexity of the questions we might only demonstrate select ones to display in our live webinar.
Real complex and lengthy questions will be answered within the request you open with us.

Let us invite you to our Q&A Webinar that will take place on 3rd December 2021 at 3PM CET:

Topic: Handler migration Q&A Webinar
Time: Dec 3, 2021 03:00 PM Budapest

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Available video of the second mail handler migration webinar

Our second webinar showcased a fairly generic case of email processing within a Service Management Project using Email This Issue.

Here, we presented a Classic mail handler configuration then migrated the settings to a next-gen handler.

The video we’ve played during the webinar can be found on Youtube.

Available video of the first mail handler migration webinar

We’ve held our first webinar on the topic of mail handler migration a month before we stop providing access to creating new Classic mail handlers.

The video we’ve played during the webinar can be found on Youtube.

During the session we’ve covered the following topics:

General information about the deprecation process

A detailed roadmap will be shared later on, but as of now the following steps are planned:

As you can see, you still have time to convert your old handler to the new one and we’ll keep you updated along the process. As a part of this, we will try to reach out to our customers via the following platforms:

For essential information about the next-gen handler and a comparison between the two handlers, please see our documentation.

If you have any questions regarding the switch, let us know in an email or open a request on our customer portal.