Second webinar details

Our second webinar will showcase a fairly generic case of email processing within a Service Management Project using Email This Issue.
I'll explain the use-case and show you an existing Classic handler setup and migrate the settings to a Next-gen handler in a pre-recorded video.

The second webinar will be held on Aug 27 2021, at 15:00 CEST and will last about 60 minutes.

You are invited to join us here:

Topic: Classic Handler Migration Webinar II.
Time: Aug 27, 2021 03:00 PM Budapest

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After the pre-recorded video demonstration of the migration, you will have the opportunity to ask anything and everything live about the topic and we'll do our best to answer them.
If you have a more complex question, need help with your own configuration or got stuck with the setup, please feel free to open a request on our customer portal and we'll investigate your options more in-depth.

Available video of the first mail handler migration webinar

We’ve held our first webinar on the topic of mail handler migration a month before we stop providing access to creating new Classic mail handlers.

The video we’ve played during the webinar can be found on Youtube.

During the session we’ve covered the following topics:

General information about the deprecation process

A detailed roadmap will be shared later on, but as of now the following steps are planned:

As you can see, you still have time to convert your old handler to the new one and we’ll keep you updated along the process. As a part of this, we will try to reach out to our customers via the following platforms:

For essential information about the next-gen handler and a comparison between the two handlers, please see our documentation.

If you have any questions regarding the switch, let us know in an email or open a request on our customer portal.