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titleSince version

Original feature request: JETI-166

Canned Responses are predefined


text responses that


allow you to quickly


insert them into outgoing manual emails.

Manage Canned Responses

The Responses tab in the JETI Configuration screen lists all your available responses. It allows you to create, edit or remove them.

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Pick a Response

When you compose an email, you can pick a canned response and add its text to the mail body. 

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Categorizing Responses

titleSince version 6.1

It is possible (though optional) to add a category label for a response.

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When used, responses is grouped by the category label in the response dropdown in the Email screen.

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Limit Responses in Contexts

titleSince version 6.1

Canned responses can be added and edited in the Canned Responses section of Email This Issue administration. They only take text input, velocity, and other codes are not yet supported in Email This Issue.

New ones can be added by clicking on the Add button, while the existing ones (if any) are shown as a list below.
For every item, editing and deleting is available as displayed:

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Adding a Response

After clicking on the Add button, a small window pops up for editing.

For this example, I created an out of office text that I will use in the days before taking some days off, and I'd like to notify my customers when I am sending them any manual emails.

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Name of the canned response. This will be displayed when composing a manual email.
DescriptionDescription of the response. This is displayed only in the list of canned responses.
ResponseThe text response itself, this is the one that you can insert in your outgoing emails.
CategorySet any category for your canned responses.
Categories have to be added in the contexts afterward, in order to select which responses should be available to your users (otherwise all of them will be available if the canned responses option is enabled).
AddSaves and adds the response to the list.
CancelCancels the editing process, the response will not be displayed in the list.

Add Responses in Contexts

You can enable/disable responses in the Contexts and if enabled, you can select the response categories (set in the previous step) you want to use


when composing manual emails. Start typing the name of the category or select it from the drop-down menu. If you do not select any categories here, all of them will be offered on the email screen.

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Select response categories in Contexts.

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Adding a Response to an Outgoing Manual Email

After creating the canned response and enabling it in the context, it becomes available on the email screen.
When you compose an email, you can pick a canned response and add its text to the mail body by clicking on Add Response

You can add multiple canned responses to one email, there is no limitation to their number.

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