How to add images to email templates

How to add images to email templates

Sometimes it is necessary to add images to the email templates so that they are rendered in the recipient's email client.

One example could be corporate email signatures with company logos.

Step-by-step guide

There are multiple steps to achieve this:

  1. Use an online Base64 encoder (we highly recommend this: https://www.base64encode.org/) to generate Base64 encoding of your image
  2. Create a HTML img tag like :

    <img width="100px" src="...">

    where "iVBORw0..." is the base64 encoded format of your image data. Change image/png to image/jpeg if you want to add JPG images instead of PNGs.

  3. Insert this img tag in your HTML template using the HTML editor. The rich text editor will not be suitable for this.


More details on adding a signature is in the documentation: Add Signature with Company Logo to Emails