Getting started

Getting started


This guide is to show you how to start using Email This Issue after installing it from the Atlassian Marketplace.


This tutorial requirethe following:

  • Email This Issue add-on installed in JIRA
  • A license key saved in JIRA
  • Have an SMTP server configured in JIRA


By following this guide you will be able to send issues via email from JIRA using the default email template.

Step-by-step guide

Follow the below steps in order to generate an email using the default template:

  1. Open the issue you would like to work with

  2. Find and click the Email button or type 'q' that is the keyboard shortcut

  3. The Email This Issue email edit screen appears on the left, and the actual issue details on the right column of the page.

  4. Add recipients in the To and optionally to the Cc fields

  5. Fill out the email subject and the body

  6. Click Send