"From" attribute of emails are normally composed of two values:

E.g. when you see that the sender of an email is "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>", "John Doe" is the name of the sender, while "<john.doe@example.com>" is the sender email address.

Set From Name

JETI Allows you to configure the From Name in emails via the Contexts. The attribute is called "Sender Name Pattern". It is a Velocity Markup field that will generate a label to be used as the From Name.


If you do not specify any values, JETI will fall back to Jira's Email From setting in General Configuration.

Sender Name Patter is applied only if the user does not enable the option "Send mail with me as sender". In this case, the user's full name will be used.


Set From Email Address

JETI will use Jira's project email address to set as the Email From address.

There are two ways to override this: