Email This Issue allows template developers to search for issues and render them into the email using the template support API.

JQL query may dynamically generated using the current issue's or curent user's information.

Get the First Issue that Matches a JQL Query

The below example searches for the first issue matching the JQL query.

#set($firtstIssue = $!templateSupport.firstIssueMatchingJQL("project = $issue.projectObject.key AND assignee=$! AND priority = Highest ORDER BY rank"))


Check if an Issue Matches a JQL Query

Sometimes is necessary to develop conditional templates based on complex issue attributes:

#if($!templateSupport.issueMatchesJQL("mycustomfield = somevalue AND component=ImportantComponent", $!issue) 
## do something...

Find Issues using JQL 

Fetch and iterate through the list of issues matching a JQL query.

#set($searchResults = $!templateSupport.searchForIssuesByJQL("project=IT AND resolution=Unresolved", 10))
  #foreach($result in $searchResults.getResults())
$velocityCount - $!result.key (comments: $!result.comments.size())