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This article explains how to enable OAuth2 in your Google panel to authenticate Email This Issue. This allows you to send FROM your Google address using this application. The credentials created during this process can be used in any Plugin that allows them.

  1. Log in to your Google account

  2. Visit the following link in your Google account:

  3. The next screen confirms that the API is enabled:

    Click on “Go to credentials”

  4. If you don’t have any credentials yet, the Add Credentials screen will be displayed:

  5. A pop-up displays notifying you that you must first set up an OAuth consent screen:

    Click “Set Up Consent Screen”

  6. A screen is shown to select internal or external user type:

    Select the one based on your requirements then click “Create”.

  7. Here you can set up the “Consent screen”:

  8. When you are finished with the Consent screen you can create credentials:

  9. A dialog box appears:

  10. A dialog box pops up showing your client id and secret:

    Here, the client secret is only blurred for data protection purposes.

When you are finished these steps, you can create OAuth2 Credentials in Email This Issue to use them in Incoming Mail Connections and Outgoing Mail Connections