Email this issue allows you to send manual (ad-hoc) emails using the Email button in the issue screen. When you open the email screen you may want to see default recipients, apply default email format and various other mail options.

Just like any other context like entities in Email This Issue, Default Settings may also be applied to one or more projects, one or more issue type or you can even specify a JQL filter criteria to precisely target the defaults to issues.

Once configured, the email screen will be initialized with the best matching default settings. If none applies to an issue, the global defaults from the Configuration tab will apply.

In order to make sure the default settings are applied, user options should be disabled in General Configuration

Default Settings



Projectdefines the project on which the context is applied. May be left empty.
Issue Typedefines the type on which the context is applied. May be left empty.
JQL Filter

defines a JQL condition to match the set of issues the context may be applied to. JQL Filter with combination of Product and Issue Type selected, is used to determine if the Context is applicable to an Issue being sent in an email.

Optional, since version 6.2.

Orderdefines the order in which the Contexts configured with the same combination of Product and Issue Type are evaluated. Since version 6.2.


ToRecipients selected will be preloaded in the email screen.
CcRecipients selected will be preloaded in the email screen.
BccRecipients selected will be preloaded in the email screen.

Email Settings

Email FormatHTML or Text format to use
Add Recipients to WatchersIf enabled, user recipients are added as watchers, external recipients are added in the External Watcher Field selected in the Context.
Send Email with this senderIf enabled, the current user is set as the sender of the email.
Reply to userIf enabled, the current user's email address is set as the Reply-To address in the email
From AddressesEnter a list of email addresses (one per line) to display a drop down list of these email addresses in the email screen. If an address is selected, the email's From Address will be set to it.

Comment Settings

Comment VisibilityIf set, a comment will be added to the issue when the manual email is sent (may be overridden by the email options on the email screen)
Suppress EventIf enabled, the Issue Commented event will not be fired when JETI adds the comment
Add Comments to Outgoing EmailsIf enabled, comments are made available in the email templates.

How Default Settings are Applied

There may be multiple default settings configured. Email This Issue finds the nearest matching default settings for an issue when the email screen opens.

The evaluation of the default settings is done the same way as the evaluation of Contexts. Email options set on the email screen override the manual email defaults.