Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. create a formatter object
  2. format the date or date-time values using the created formatter


  • empty: if called without a parameter, getJiraDateTimeFormatter() returns the default Jira date time formatter
  • name of a prefined predefined style in DateTimeStyle: e.g. $!jetiFieldFormatter.getJiraDateTimeFormatter("COMPLETE") returns a Jira formatter for the COMPLETE style


Once we have a formatter, date or date-time field values can be formatted as shown below.


  • Issue attribute, like $!issue.created or $!issue.updated
  • Issue custom field: $!issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_12345"), where "customfield_12345" is the custom field key of a Date Picker or DateTime Picker field. Calling the formatter with a non-date value will render an empty string

Render Date or Date-Time Values in any


time zone

To render Date or Date-Time values in a timezonetime zone, both the Jira DateFormatter and Java DateFormat may be used. There is a list of Timezone IDs are available for java.


Code Block
##Create a Java formatter using a java datetime pattern
#set($formatter = $!jetiFieldFormatter.getJavaDateTimeFormat("yyyy.MMM.dd z"))

##set the time timezonezone in the formatter

##format the date value with the formatter
Issue Due Date in Alaska time: $!formatter.format($!issue.dueDate)


Code Block
##Create a Java formatter using a Jira formatter style, with the time timezonezone information
#set ($formatter = $jetiFieldFormatter.getJiraDateTimeFormatter("COMPLETE").withZone($!jetiFieldFormatter.getTimeZone("US/Alaska")))

##format the date value with the formatter
Issue Due Date in Alaska time: $!formatter.format($!issue.dueDate)

Render Date or Date-Time Values in your time zone

We support using the time zone set in the current user’s profile. For example to render the issue's last update date-time with the current user's time using the TemplateSupport's currentUsersTimeZoneId

Code Block
##give dynamically the time zone upon the current user's profile using the shortcut template method #renderDateTime 
The issue was updated at #renderDateTime($!issue.updated "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ'['z']'" $!templateSupport.currentUsersTimeZoneId)Please note that the capital letter T in the above code is just a placeholder, an example to mark that after the date, the time value comes next.

Shortcut Template Methods to Format Values easier

Code Block
#renderDateTime($!issue.getCustomFieldValue("My Date Time Custom Field") "yyyy-MM-dd") ##Render the issue's "My Date Time Custom Field" custom field in the given pattern
#renderDate($!issue.dueDate "yyyy-MM-dd") ##Render the issue's due date in the given pattern
#renderDate($!issue.dueDate "yyyy-MM-dd" "US/Alaska") ##Render the issue's due date in the given pattern using Alaska timezonetime zone

#renderDateTime($!issue.getCustomFieldValue("My Date Time Custom Field") "yyyy-MM-dd") ##Render the issue's "My Date Time Custom Field" custom field in the given pattern
#renderDateTime($!issue.getCustomFieldValue("My Date Time Custom Field") "yyyy-MM-dd" "US/Alaska") ##Render the issue's due date in the given pattern with regard to the given time timezonezone