Thank you for visiting our old product documentation site. Note that weare in the process of migrating our product documentation and soon we will notno longer store or update our documentation here. here. |
Table of Contents |
Preparations to use OpsGenie for alerting
First of all, you need to have a Cloud instance, where the OpsGenie app is activated.
To achieve this on an already existing Atlassian site, you can create a Jira Service Management project, then create a team and add OpsGenie integration. For example, if your site URL is https://{your-atlassian-site}, then the OpsGenie app will be accessible via the following link: https://{}
The alternative option is to register a new OpsGenie account in an independent way (not starting from a Jira project). In this case, a new Atlassian Cloud site will be automatically set up for you (of course, without Jira integration in place).
At this stage, we have some complications. If you opted for data storage in the EU, then the URL of your OpsGenie will contain an extra “.eu” segment, like https://{}
Note |
The geological location of your instance will also impact the URL of the OpsGenie API (see later): Please keep in mind that the Service URL in the auto-generated template has to be adjusted accordingly. |
Basic configuration [required]
The first step is to make Email This Issue for Jira able to authenticate with OpsGenie. To achieve this, you have to acquire an API key. This can be done in two ways:
By using the default integration configuration:
In Settings / Configured Integrations select the Default API entry:
Create a new integration configuration:
In Settings / Integration List select the API option:
Note |
For Free and Essentials plans, the integrations can only be added from the Team Dashboards, as seen in the image below. |
API Integration documentation:
Warning |
There is a possibility of misconfiguration: when adding a new API key via the Settings / API key management option, the generated key could not be used for creating alerts. As a consequence, it is highly recommended to start the integration process from the Teams tab. |
Creating alerts with custom content [supplementary]
Content-type: application/json (automatically added)
Authorization: GenieKey <api key>
Message payload (JSON body):
The request body may be enriched with the following fields that will be parsed by OpsGenie, while creating the alert based on the incoming request:
Status | ||||
Message of the alert
130 characters
Status | ||||
. |
512 characters
Status | ||||
Description field of the alert that is generally used to provide detailed information about the alert.
15 000 characters
Status | ||||
Tags of the alert.
20 x 50 characters
Status | ||||
Map of key-value pairs to use as custom properties of the alert.
8 000 characters total
Status | ||||
Entity field of the alert that is generally used to specify, to which domain the alert is related.
512 characters
Status | ||||
Priority level of the alert. Possible values are P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5. Default value is P3.