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Table of Contents


attachmentsManagercom.atlassian.jira.mail.util.MailAttachmentsManagerManager component
baseurlStringBase url of the Jira instance, set under General Configuration
customfieldManagercom.atlassian.jira.issue.CustomFieldManagerSupport for adding custom fields to outgoing emails
dateformattercom.atlassian.jira.web.util.OutlookDateDate format support
issuecom.atlassian.jira.mail.TemplateIssueIssue extended with support for processing in velocity templates
i18ncom.atlassian.jira.util.I18nHelperI18n support
remoteUsercom.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUserCurrent user running the action or null
stringUtilsorg.apache.commons.lang.StringUtilsString helper methods
textutilscom.opensymphony.util.TextUtilsJira's text util methods
jetiFieldRendererSee belowSupport for field rendering in templates. See details below.
jetiFieldFormatterSee belowSupport for date/time formatting in templates. See details below
templateSupportSee belowSupport for email templates, rendering, formatting. See details below.
numbercom.atlassian.jira.util.velocity.NumbertoolSupport for Number formatting in templates. See API documentation

$!currentUserInfo.user: current user object
$!currentUserInfo.roles: current user's project roles
$!currentUserInfo.groups: current user's groups.


 Access to Jira user properties. .


Refernces to user properties by property name must be prefixed with "jira.meta." due to the nature of the Jira API.

E.g. If the user has a property, called "phone", the phone property may be rendered as

$!userPropertyManager.getPropertySet(<user object>).getString("")

currentTimestampjava.util.Date Date and time of rendering the template, this like "now". 
jiraDurationUtilscom.atlassian.jira.util.JiraDurationUtilsUtil class responsible for printing durations in various formats.
diffUtilscom.atlassian.jira.mail.DiffUtilsCompares two string values and renders wiki markup diffs.


$jetiFieldRenderer provides a lot of useful methods to render issue fields



String encodeUrl(String url);
Calls URLEncoder.encode(url) to encode rendered URLs in email templates using UTF-8 encoding$!templateSupport.encodeUrl($urlVariable)
String encodeUrl(String url, String encoding);Calls URLEncoder.encode(url, encoding) to encode rendered URLs in email templates using the encoding specified$!templateSupport.encodeUrl($urlVariable, <desired encoding>)
Issue firstIssueMatchingJQL(String jql);Returns the first issue that matches the given JQL query

Code Block
#set($firtstIssue = $!templateSupport.firstIssueMatchingJQL("project = $issue.projectObject.key AND assignee=$! AND priority = Highest"))


TemplateIssueSearchResults searchForIssuesByJQL(String jql);Returns a list of issues matching the given JQL query

Code Block
#set($searchResults = $!templateSupport.searchForIssuesByJQL("project=IT AND resolution=Unresolved", 10))
  #foreach($result in $searchResults.getResults())
$velocityCount - $!result.key (comments: $!result.comments.size())

TemplateIssueSearchResults searchForIssuesByJQL(String jql, int maxresults);Same as above but limits the results to the given number of issues
boolean issueMatchesJQL(String jqlQuery, Issue issue);Checks if the given issue matches the JQL query

Code Block
#if($!templateSupport.issueMatchesJQL("mycustomfield = somevalue AND component=ImportantComponent", $!issue) 
## do something...

Locale getLocale(String localeName);

Creates a Java Locale object to be used in date / number formatting or language support.

Local name is composed of language code and country code.

e.g. "fr" is for french language, while "fr_FR" is the french spoken in France.

Code Block
#set($frenchLocale = $!templateSupport.getLocale("fr_FR")

I18nHelper getI18nHelper(String localeName);

Create an I18nHelper object for the locale

Local name is composed of language code and country code.

e.g. "fr" is for french language, while "fr_FR" is the french spoken in France.

Code Block
#set($i18nFrench = $!templateSupport.getI18nHelper("fr_FR")	

I18nHelper getI18nHelper(Locale locale);

Create an I18nHelper object for the locale

Local name is composed of language code and country code.

e.g. "fr" is for french language, while "fr_FR" is the french spoken in France.

Code Block
#set($frenchLocale = $!templateSupport.getLocale("fr_FR")
#set($i18nFrench = $!templateSupport.getI18nHelper($frenchLocale)	

boolean isAgent(ApplicationUser applicationUser, Project project);Determines if the given use is an Service Management Agent in the given project

Code Block
#if($!templateSupport.isAgent($!issue.reporter, $!issue.projectObject)

String getParentValueFromCascadingSelectFieldValue(Map cascadeSelectFieldValue);
String getChildValueFromCascadingSelectFieldValue(Map cascadeSelectFieldValue);
Returns the parent or child value of a Cascade Select custom field.

Code Block
#set($parentValue = $!templateSupport.getParentValueFromCascadingSelectFieldValue($!issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_12345"))

#set($childValue = $!templateSupport.getChildValueFromCascadingSelectFieldValue($!issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_12345"))

customfield_12345 is the key of a cascade select field

boolean isInternalComment(Comment comment);Determins if the give comment is an Service Management Internal comment in the current issue.

Code Block

String getCustomerVisibleStatus(Issue issue);Returns the Customer Visible Status name of the issue in a Service Management project#set($!customerVisibleStatus = $!templateSupport.getCustomerVisibleStatus($!issue)
